Sunnyslope Cafe
A Memory Cafe is a welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease or any other form of dementia, brain disorders and people with all forms of mild cognitive impairment (MCI.) and are designed to include the care partner as well, for a shared experience.
To learn more about Sunnyslope Cafe click here to contact the Church office.
To learn more about Sunnyslope Cafe click here to contact the Church office.
The Waukesha County Senior Dining program provides fellowship, food and fun to anyone 60 years of age and older (and their spouses of any age). In addition to a noon meal, the program provides social and recreational activities, nutrition education, health information and screening, outreach, and support to older adults and their families. Limited government grants cover a portion of the meal costs, and confidential donations are welcomed. No eligible diner is denied a meal because of inability to contribute. Transportation to the dining centers may be available through the ADRC’s Shared-Fare Taxi and RideLine programs for $1.00 each way.
In addition to the in-person meal, the program also provides Home Delivered Meals (AKA Meals on Wheels) to local seniors, with the goal of decreasing senior hunger and malnutrition in our communities. The Home Delivered Meals program provides a noon meal to homebound older adults who are unable to prepare one for themselves. The meals are provided by a team of outstanding volunteers who not only serve our diners, but also deliver meals while providing the critically important daily wellness check.
To learn more, visit the ADRC Waukesha's website.
In addition to the in-person meal, the program also provides Home Delivered Meals (AKA Meals on Wheels) to local seniors, with the goal of decreasing senior hunger and malnutrition in our communities. The Home Delivered Meals program provides a noon meal to homebound older adults who are unable to prepare one for themselves. The meals are provided by a team of outstanding volunteers who not only serve our diners, but also deliver meals while providing the critically important daily wellness check.
To learn more, visit the ADRC Waukesha's website.
Located at St. John’s Cathedral in downtown Milwaukee, The Cathedral Center provides shelter on an ongoing basis for about 55 homeless women and children. About once a month, a group of volunteers from Our Lord’s meet at church at 6:00 p.m. to drive downtown and return to church by 8:30 p.m. The volunteers serve a meal to the women and children and prepare lunches for the next day. If you can help by donating a main dish, salad, dessert, and beverages, please email the church office for volunteer sign-up.
The mission of The Gathering is to provide meals and associated services to those who would otherwise go hungry or without. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and package meals for the homeless and hungry. It is a very safe volunteer opportunity as masks are required and social distancing is observed. The volunteers do not interact with the guests as they pick up their to-go meals at the door, given out by The Gathering Coordinator. The Ascension Lutheran Church meal site at 1236 S. Layton Blvd. has available shifts on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-6:00 p.m., and Saturday lunch shifts from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
New Berlin Food Pantry
Rooted and Rising- Washington Park Click HERE for their Agency Video - see the Impact in Action
New Berlin Food Pantry
Rooted and Rising- Washington Park Click HERE for their Agency Video - see the Impact in Action